Thursday, 11 September 2014

Here Are The 9 Hardest Things Programmers Have To Do!

There are many aspects to a programmers' job. Contrary to what others (meaning, the non-technical group) think, they don't always sit around writing code all day. There are so many things they are expected to do!

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1.Naming things

Let's face it, coming up with concise names for a plethora of variables, procedures, functions, classes, objects, database components, etc can be frustrating. Writing a code is one thing, but naming even a small program or application could mean naming many things in reality. Choosing names that convey the meaning behind the stuff it's intended for can be downright daunting.

2.Explaining what I do

Well, it's the non-programmers in your family, friends or other non-tech coworkers that could well end up being the hardest to deal with, especially when it comes to describing them what you do for a living. It's really frustrating when your loved ones don't understand what you do. Most of them are also quite used to being the friendly neighbourhood computer mechanic, something that they are not very proud of, we must say.

3.Estimating time to complete tasks

Every programmer is expected to set a stipulated time frame for a project upon initiation. Now, programmers are not tarrot card readers, therefore expecting them to predict a time frame for completion of their project (which most of the time is something they haven't done before) is ridiculous and pain staking.

4.Dealing with other people

Programming more often than not is not a one man project. Programmers need to interact constantly with clients, management, testers and others while dealing with a project. Now, explaining technical things to not very techie people could be harassing for the programmer, especially when we know, they are not the ones who are best with words. Furthermore, having to depend on others directly or indirectly is not something they want to deal with so often.

5.Working with someone else’s code

Programmers are often required to deal with code that is not necessarily their's, but they have been entrusted to either maintain, dubug or enhance the same from time to time. Now trying to understand and break into the mind of another developer could be an ordeal, especially when we know how complex programmers can be. Further, in case the code is poorly written, commented or documented with the original developer nowhere in sight, we know how frustrating that could be.

6.Implementing functionality you disagree with

Many a times, a programmer has to go against his principles simply because the client, or someone above their pay grade wants things to be done there way. Putting aside personal opinions when they know so and so feature or functionality would be no good when implemented is something that programmers need to deal with every now and then.

7.Writing documentation

Programmers are required to create documentation explaining what their code does or how an application works, something that is time consuming and tedious. What if noone reads it?

8.Writing tests

Programmers are also required to write unit tests to ensure the code is functioning properly by screening out bugs (if any) during early development process. Choosing the right tests to write and code can be an added burden, after going through everything that comes associated with building an application.

9.Designing a solution

Designing data and code structure, functional algorithms and application flow that essentially sums up the business logic to the client can be daunting. Designing a solution that meets the client's requirements and aspirations is not easy.

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