We have seen many newbie programmers asking for the basic difference
between the three languages. So below is the basic difference between
the three further supported by a sorted list of free ebooks on the three
languages. |
While C is the foundation language, C++ is its upgraded version and C# is its modern version. Here's an elaboration:-
C is the older programming language, which is best described as the Hands-on language. Being a C programmer, you have to tell the program to do everything. The strength is that the language lets you do almost anything. Although the language does not support object oriented code, hence there are no classes.
C++ is the extention language of C where '++' refers to the increment. The language allows highly controlled object oriented code. This is once again a very hands on language which goes in further details.
C# is the modern format of C which supports full object oriented code resembling the style of C/C++ code. The language is much close to JAVA. This latest version of C is good for developing web applications.
1. Functional C by Pieter Hartel, Henk Muller - Addison-Wesley, 1999
The book teaches how to program in C, assuming that the student has already learnt how to formulate algorithms in a functional style. The student will become a better C programmer, capable of writing programs that are easier to maintain.
2. Programming in C: UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C by A. D. Marshall - Cardiff University, 1999
This book is a guide to UNIX software development in C for professional programmers and students. It focuses on the UNIX system call interface, the programming interface between the UNIX Kernel and applications running in the UNIX environment.
3. A to Z of C by K. Joseph Wesley, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah, 2008
This is an intermediate to advanced C programming book writen for C lovers, students, programmers, and other enthusiasts. The book is written to open many secrets of C, it also introduces various approaches to solve different problems.
4. 88 C Programs by JT Kalnay - Smashwords, 2012
The author included example programs that exhaustively illustrate the important points of C. By working through these programs you can teach yourself C. It is assumed that you already know how to program and are familiar with standard algorithms.
5. Learn C The Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw - LCodeTHW, 2011
A clear and direct introduction to modern C programming. The purpose of this book is to get you strong enough in C that you'll be able to write your own software in it, or modify someone else's code. The text is not for beginners.
6. Programming in C by Bharat Kinariwala, Tep Dobry - University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1993
Contents: Designing Programs Top Down; Processing Character Data; Numeric Data Types and Expression Evaluation; Pointers; Arrays; Functions and Files; Two Dimensional Arrays; Sorting and Searching; String Processing; Structures and Unions; etc.
7. Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI-C by Axel-Tobias Schreiner, 1999
In this book, we are going to use ANSI-C to discover how object-oriented programming is done, what its techniques are, why they help us solve bigger problems, and how we harness generality and program to catch mistakes earlier.
8. Conceptive C by Harry McGeough - Smashwords, 2011
Conceptive C is an AI programming Language based on Objective-C and C Language. It is a superset of both languages. Conceptive C uses concepts to program natural language and Artificial Intelligence based computer language based on Objective C.
9. Object-Oriented Programming and the Objective-C Language - NeXT Software, Inc., 1996
Objective-C is implemented as set of extensions to the C language. This book both introduces the object-oriented model that Objective-C is based upon and fully documents the language. It concentrates on the Objective-C extensions to C.
10. C Programming - Wikibooks, 2006
C is the precursor for almost all of the popular high-level languages available today. This book represents a comprehensive look at the C programming language and its features. Basic computer literacy is assumed, but no special knowledge is needed.
11. A Little C Primer - Wikibooks, 2010
This online wiki book is a quick and easy introduction to the ANSI C programming language. It is written by a novice, and is intended for use by a novice. However, it does assume some familiarity with a programming language.
12. Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition by Al Aho, Jeff Ullman - W. H. Freeman, 1994
Aho and Ullman have created a C version of their groundbreaking text. This book combines the theoretical foundations of computing with essential discrete mathematics. It follows the same organizations, with all examples and exercises in C.
13. Become an Xcoder: Start Programming the Mac Using Objective-C by B. Altenberg, A. Clarke, P. Mougin - CocoaLab, 2008
A free book for starting with Cocoa using Objective-C. It teaches you the basics of programming, in particular Objective-C programming, using Xcode. Written for non-programmers, and aimed at leveling the learning curve as much as possible.
14. Objective-C 2.0 Essentials by Neil Smyth - Techotopia, 2010
The Objective-C 2.0 Essentials free online book contains 34 chapters of detailed information intended to provide everything necessary to gain proficiency as an Objective-C programmer for both Mac OS X and iPhone development.
15. Using GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection Reference Manual for GCC by Richard M. Stallman - Free Software Foundation, 2003
The definitive reference manual for the most widely used compiler in the world, written by its current developers. The GNU Compiler Collection is a full-featured ANSI C compiler with support for C, C++, Objective C, Java and Fortran.
16. No Bugs!: Delivering Error-Free Code in C and C++ by David Thielen - Addison-Wesley, 1992
The book offers a revolutionary approach to software development by showing how to write error-free code from the start. Presented are techniques to stop many kinds of bugs from being included in a program. It also discusses how to test programs.
17. Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment by J. H. M. Dassen, I. G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper – OOPWeb.com
This document describes several techniques and tools for debugging code in C-like languages in a Unix environment. We will also discuss some good coding practices that will diminish the occurrence of certain types of bugs.
18. C Programming in Linux by David Haskins - BookBoon, 2009
Using a series of web development examples, this book will give you an interesting glimpse into a powerful lower-level world. C is tight and spare and economical, and people who know C will ensure critical systems keep running.
19. The GNU C Programming Tutorial by Mark Burgess, Ron Hale-Evans - Free Software Foundation, 2002
This book is a tutorial for the computer programming language C. You should have some basic computer literacy: to be able to run a program, edit a text file, etc. The tutorial introduces basic ideas in a logical order and progresses steadily.
20. The GNU C Library Reference Manual by Sandra Loosemore, at al. - Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2007
The GNU C library, described in this document, defines all of the library functions that are specified by the ISO C standard, as well as additional features specific to POSIX. This manual tells you how to use the facilities of the GNU library.
21. Learning GNU C by Ciaran O'Riordan, 2002
The book teaches GNU users how to write software in C. It is written as a tutorial for beginners but should be thorough enough to be used as a reference by experience programmers. The basics are laid down in full in the first few chapters.
22. Learning Cocoa with Objective-C by James Duncan Davidson - O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2002
This new edition covers the latest updates to the Cocoa frameworks, including examples that use the Address Book and Universal Access APIs. This is the 'must-have' book for people who want to develop applications for Mac OS X.
23. The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language - Apple Inc., 2009
Objective-C is a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C language. This document fully describes the Objective-C language. It concentrates on the Objective-C extensions to C, not on the C language itself.
24. Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets by Brian Hall, 2008
A brief how-to guide on network programming using Internet sockets, written for anybody who is just starting out with socket programming. The section on Windows programming is also included. The guide is updated for IPv6.
25. ANSI C for Programmers on UNIX Systems by Tim Love, 1999
This document introduces C by providing and explaining examples of common programming tasks. It enables the reader to learn from available source code by clarifying common causes of incomprehension. Exercises form an integral part of the course.
26. C Programming Tutorial (K&R version 4) by Mark Burgess, 1999
This book is a tutorial. Its aim is to teach C to a beginner, but with enough of the details so as not be outgrown as the years go by. It presumes that you have some previous aquaintance with programming, but you do not need much experience.
27. The C Library Reference Guide by Eric Huss, 1997
This guide provides a useful look at the standard C programming language. It will not teach one how to program in C, nor will it attempt to provide the history of C. It is merely a handy reference to the standard C library.
28. C Language Tutorial by Gordon Dodrill - Applix Pty Ltd, 1999
C language tutorial for experienced programmers. It begins with the highest level of C programming, including the concepts of pointers, structures, and dynamic allocation. This printed version includes copies of all the code, for easier reference.
29. C Elements of Style by Steve Oualline - M & T Books, 1992
A handy guide which covers the principles of good programming style, teaching C and C++ programmers how to write code that can be easily read, understood, and maintained by others. Useful both for students and professional programmers.
30. Writing Bug-Free C Code for Windows by Jerry Jongerius - Prentice Hall, 1995
The book presents a programming style that automatically detects bugs in C code. It describes a technique that results in bug-free code from the beginning, advocating a style of coding based upon data abstraction and run-time object verification.
31. The New C Standard by Derek M. Jones - Addison-Wesley Professional, 2008
The book about the latest version of the C Standard, it is a systematic analysis of the language standard. Every sentence in the C Standard appears in this book, followed by a commentary section, common implementations, coding guidelines, etc.
32. An Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough, Richard M. Stallman - Network Theory Ltd, 2004
This manual provides a complete introduction to the GNU C and C++ compilers, common problems and encountered error messages, with numerous easy examples. The text covers compiling using headers and libraries, preprocessor, linking, and more.
33. Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images by Dwayne Philipps - R & D Books, 1997
An image processing tutorial which explains basic concepts, shows results with photographs, and implements programs in C. The book covers filters, edge detectors, and histogram equalizers, print procedures, and I/O routines, which are ready to use.
34. The C Book: Featuring the ANSI C Standard by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady, Mark Doran - Addison-Wesley Pub, 1991
Use this book to produce powerful and portable code. The C Book is dedicated to programmers who have some experience of using a modern high-level procedural programming language. Learn about new standards and how they affect existing C code.
35. Object Oriented Programming in ANSI-C by Axel Schreiner, 2001
We use ANSI-C to find out how to write object oriented programs, what are they useful for solving bigger problems, and how to catch mistakes earlier. The book covers classes, objects, instances, inheritance, linkage, methods, polymorphisms, and more.
1. More C++ Idioms - Wikibooks, 2012
The objective is to present modern C++ idioms to programmers who have moderate level of familiarity with C++, and help elevate their knowledge so that C++ feels much friendlier to them. It is designed to be an exhaustive catalog of reusable idioms.
2. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Clifford A. Shaffer - Dover Publications, 2012
A comprehensive treatment focusing on efficient data structures and algorithms, this text explains how to select or design the data structure best suited to specific problems. It uses C++ programming language and is suitable for second-year courses.
3. C++ for C Programmers by JT Kalnay - Smashwords, 2012
A book with exhaustive examples of C++ intended to help a C programmer learn and use C++. The book is not organized in a traditional chapter format, included are example programs that illustrate the important points of C++ in an evolutionary manner.
4. Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ by Colin Campbell, Ade Miller - Microsoft Press, 2011
This guide introduces you to the most frequently used patterns of parallel programming and provides executable code samples for them, using PPL. When thinking about where to begin, a good place to start is to review the patterns in this book.
5. Language Translation Using PCCTS and C++ by Terence John Parr - Automata Publishing Company, 1993
This book is a reference guide for the parser generator ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, and the tree-parser generator SORCERER, which is suited to source-to-source translation. It is valuable to scientists, engineers, or programmers.
6. No Bugs!: Delivering Error-Free Code in C and C++ by David Thielen - Addison-Wesley, 1992
The book offers a revolutionary approach to software development by showing how to write error-free code from the start. Presented are techniques to stop many kinds of bugs from being included in a program. It also discusses how to test programs.
7. Debugging C and C++ code in a Unix environment by J. H. M. Dassen, I. G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper – OOPWeb.com
This document describes several techniques and tools for debugging code in C-like languages in a Unix environment. It also discusses some good coding practices that will diminish the occurrence of certain types of bugs.
8. C++ Reference Guide by Danny Kalev - Informit, 2008
This guide covers constructors, destructors, operator overloading, memory management, templates, namespaces, streams, object-oriented programming principles, standard template library, exception handling, runtime type information, and more.
9. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ by Peter Müller - Globewide Network Academy, 1997
In this course, object-orientation is introduced as a new programming concept which should help you in developing high quality software. Object-orientation is also introduced as a concept which makes developing of projects easier.
10. C++ Programming for Scientists by Roldan Pozo, Karin Remington - NIST
From the table of contents: ANSI C; C++ as a better C; C++ Classes and Objects; Objects in Scientific Computing; Inheritance and Polymorphism; Templates, Exceptions and Observations; Programming Examples; Scientific Library Examples.
11. Visual C++ 6 Unleashed by Mickey Williams, David Bennett - Sams, 2000
Comprehensive coverage of the core topics for Visual C++ 6 programming. The book skips the beginning level material and jumps right in to Visual C++. You will master the 32-bit power of Windows using Visual C++ as your programming language.
12. Industrial Strength C++ by Mats Henricson, Erik Nyquist - Prentice Hall, 1996
This book defines a C++ coding standard that should be usable for almost all programmers. Text and examples explain each individual rule and recommendation. The book covers naming conventions, resource management, code organization, and more.
13. Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs - Taligent Press, 1994
Well-Mannered object-oriented design in C++: this is a brief overview of object-oriented program design, focusing on operating-system development. The text will be of interest to the C++ programmers who need a quick summary of good OOP techniques.
14. Programming the Be Operating System by Dan Parks Sydow - O'Reilly, 1999
This book gives C++ programmers their start to developing the applications on Be operating system. The book begins with simple programs and gradually adds elements of the graphical interface. It carefully describes drawing and message handling.
15. Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition by Jon Bentley - Addison-Wesley Professional, 1999
The book focuses on choosing the right algorithms and on showing how to solve problems effectively. Each chapter frames a particular programming task (sorting numbers, creating anagrams, counting the words). Code examples are written in C and C++.
16. Financial Numerical Recipes in C++ by Bernt Arne Ødegaard, 2007
Useful examples and algorithms for people working within the field of finance. Typical examples are option/derivatives pricing, term structure calculations, mean variance analysis. The author made C++ subroutines that implements common algorithms.
17. C++ Annotations by Frank B. Brokken - University of Groningen, 2008
The book for knowledgeable users of C who would like to make the transition to C++. It is the main textbook for C++ programming courses at the University of Groningen. The text does not cover C++'s basic grammar, which is equal to C's grammar.
18. Optimizing C ++ by Steve Heller - Prentice Hall PTR, 1998
The book provides C++ programmers with a practical approach to code optimization. The text consists of case studies of database problems with various searching and compression algorithms, the source code, and explanation of the solutions.
19. An Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough, Richard M. Stallman - Network Theory Ltd, 2004
This manual provides a complete introduction to the GNU C and C++ compilers, common problems and encountered error messages, with numerous easy examples. The text covers compiling using headers and libraries, preprocessor, linking, and more.
20. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ by Bruno R. Preiss - Wiley, 1998
The author presents readers with a modern, object-oriented perspective for looking at data structures and algorithms, clearly showing how to use polymorphism and inheritance, and including fragments from working and tested programs.
21. How to think like a Computer Scientist (C++ Version) by Allen B. Downey, 1999
This book teaches you to think like a computer scientist - to combine the best features of mathematics, natural science, and engineering, to use formal languages to denote ideas, to observe the behavior of complex systems, form hypotheses, etc.
1. Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# by Svetlin Nakov, et al. - Telerik Software Academy, 2013
This book aims to provide novice programmers solid foundation of basic knowledge regardless of the programming language. The book covers the fundamentals of programming that have not changed significantly over the last 10 years.
2. Object-oriented Programming in C# for C and Java programmers by Kurt Nørmark - Aalborg University, 2010
This is a teaching material about object-oriented programming, illustrated with use of the programming language C#. It is assumed, as a prerequisite, that the readers have some knowledge about imperative programming, preferably knowledge about C.
3. Design Patterns in C# by Jean Paul V.A, 2012
This book will give good designing edges to the developers and enhance their Object Oriented skills. Jean Paul V.A is a Software Developer working on Microsoft Technologies for the past 10 years. He has been passionate about programming...
4. Revisiting C# by Anoop Madhusudanan - amazedsaint.com, 2011
This book is intended to be a value adding reading material for beginner to intermediate C# programmers. It may also be used for accelerating the learning about new features in C#, and also to get an introduction about new libraries in .NET.
5. Windows Phone Programming in C# by Rob Miles - Microsoft Press, 2010
This material is an introduction to Windows Phone development for anyone learning to program. It assumes some knowledge of programming fundamentals, but will teach you programming concepts in the framework of Windows Phone development.
6. Threading in C# by Joseph Albahari, 2007
An extensive online book on multithreading in C#. This tackles difficult issues such as thread safety, when to use Abort, Wait Handles vs Wait and Pulse, the implications of Apartment Threading in Windows Forms, using Thread Pooling, etc.
7. How to Become a C# Programmer by Scott Whigham - LearnItFirst.com LLC, 2009
In this free ebook, LearnItFirst.com founder Scott Whigham talks about how you can become a C# programmer by following a step-by-step approach that requires minimum investment, no college degree, and no prior experience.
8. C# From Java by Rob Miles, 2009
These notes should help you convert a program from Java to C#. This is based on the author's original journey from Java to C#. If you are an experienced Java programmer who wants to find out what C# is all about you might find it useful.
9. C# Query Expressions by Jamie King, Bruce Eckel - MindView, Inc., 2008
This is a sampling of a full book, which covers C# 3.0 fundamentals, and provides a full grounding in C# 3.0 Query Expressions. The full text includes more material from Query Expressions chapter, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML, respectively.
10. C# for Sharp Kids - Microsoft Corporation, 2009
This book teaches you about the C# language. Writing programs is Fun! This e-book will have you coding your very own C# programs in no time! With fun cartoons and easy to follow code samples, you'll be creating your own inventions in no time!
11. Rapid C# Windows
Development by Joseph Chancellor - Lulu.com, 2006
Through the exercises in this workbook, you will learn how to use C# with Visual Studio .NET 2005, SQL Server 2005, and an invaluable tool called an O/R Mapper (LLBLGen Pro) to rapidly develop database-driven applications.
12. HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots by Jeff Heaton - Heaton Research, Inc., 2007
The programs that access the web much like a human user would, which are called bots, can collect information or automate common web programming tasks. This book presents a collection of very reusable recipes for C# bot programming.
13. Standard ECMA-334 C# Language Specification - Ecma International, 2006
This Standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in C# programming language. It specifies the representation of C# programs, syntax of C#, semantic rules for interpreting C# programs, etc.
14. C# Essentials - Techotopia, 2007
The book provides everything necessary to gain proficiency as a C# programmer. It gives a detailed overview of the C# environment, the fundamentals of the C# programming language, manipulating strings, arrays and collection classes.
15. Visual Studio.Net: Controls and Add-ins by Vijay Mukhi, Sonal Mukhi, Manish Purohit - BPB Publications, 2008
User-controls and the extensibility features offered by add-ins are probed in detail. The text covers controls-attributes, properties and events, creating a UI type editor, type conversion, designers, writing C# code, web controls, add-ins.
16. Visual Studio.Net with C# by Vijay Mukhi, Suraj Godhwani, Sonal Mukhi - BPB Publications, 2008
Introduction to Visual Studio.Net and C#. The text covers working with the framework, building database applications, building Web applications, setup and deployment projects, the basics of C#, the C# code in .Net applications, C# and ASP.Net.
17. C# Classes by V. Mukhi, V. Kalantri, S. Mukhi - BPB Publications, 2008
This online e-book presents myriad fascinating concepts about C# classes. It is divided into three sections: Threads, Winforms and XML, with each of them converging on distinct facets of classes available in the .NET framework.
18. C# - The Basics by V. Mukhi, S. Shanbhag, S. Mukhi - BPB Publications, 2008
Introductory C# book, no prior programming knowledge is assumed. It covers namespaces, constructors and destructors, components and databases, web enabling data, function overloading and inheritance, modifiers, virtual functions, and more.
19. Sams Teach Yourself C# in 24 Hours by James D. Foxall - Sams, 2002
Light, but thorough introduction to C#. The author guides readers step-by-step through a cohesive presentation of the basics of C#. Once the basics are understood, he shows how to apply this knowledge to real-world Windows programming tasks using C#.
20. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# by Bruno R. Preiss - SOMA Networks, 2004
Author promotes object-oriented design using C# and illustrates the use of the object-oriented design patterns. The book shows how these patterns are used to create good software designs. Written for second- and third-year students.
21. C# Development y Rob Miles, 2008
The book on C# used by the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hull as the basis of the first year programming course. The key features: practice - do a lot of programming, study - look at programs written by other, and persistence.
22. C# Programming by Rod A. Smith, Jonas Nordlund - Wikibooks, 2007
C# is a multi-purpose computer programming language suitable for a wide variety of development needs. This book introduces C# language fundamentals and covers a variety of the base class libraries (BCL) provided by the Microsoft .NET Framework.
23. Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop by Christian Holm, Mike Kruger, Bernhard Spuida - Wrox Press, 2004
Dissecting a CSharp Application teaches advanced techniques of .NET programming by getting an insiders' look at the complete Integrated Development Environment, SharpDevelop, written in C#. It includes all advanced features of a modern IDE.
24. .NET Book Zero by Charles Petzold
This book covers everything that the C or C++ programmer needs to know about C# and the .NET framework. Object-oriented programming concepts are approached from scratch. Some programming experience with a C-family language is expected.
25. C# in Detail by Jon Jagger, 2001
This is a presentation course, containing over 300 Powerpoint slides, created by Jon Jagger. He has taught this course to Microsoft's developers and trainers, and his course is now a part of Microsoft's official training curricula.
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