Saturday 25 October 2014

10 Fastest Ways To Learn Java!

Java and Javascript are not the same things. Java is a “write once, run anywhere language”. In simple terms it can be run on any device anywhere. We have an interaction with Java on daily basis. Java is one of those programmes which you usually download whenever a notification comes on your desktop. Java runs on most enterprise desktops and this programming language is one of the most sought after ones. There is a huge market for this language. Let's go through 10 easiest ways which can teach you Java without much efforts:

Java, Java language, programming language Java,  Javascript, Oracle, Oracle introduction to Java,  Introduction to Programming in Java, online tutorial on Java,  Learn Java the Hard Way,  Java for Beginners,  CodingBat, Java programming exercises

1. Oracle's Introduction to Basics in Java:

Not only Java, but for any programming language you need to start from the very scratch, the basics. The official Oracle website provides a great introduction to Java which explains what is Java and how it works. There are a lot of resources too for further learning but the necessary tools are quite required to begin learning Java.

2. Book on introduction to the programming language:

Introduction to Programming in Java is a great resource, and it is being presented by one of the top universities in the world. With this book you can learn some quality stuff which is essential to the process of learning Java.

This is one of the most beginner friendly resources for learning Java, though it will sound like a little bit technical. Packed with images, samples, preview code and documentation this book can be of great help for any Java learner.

3. Online tutorial on Java:

Interactive tutorials have also become an essential tool to teach you Java smoothly. This interactive tutorial is not that much technical, though, but at the beginning stage this help will be quite useful. Additionally, you'll get much help if you are able to load some code and test it practically.

4. A book to give you a harder tutorial:

This book, Learn Java the Hard Way, doesn't come for free like the others. But it's again a great resouce and also user-friendly. So if you are ready to spend $20 for this book then you'll surely love this one. First 16 chapters of the book come free online. Click here to have a look.

5. Programming by Doing:

This website has been designed by Learn Java the Hard Way publisher only and this site inspired the book also. You will find a lot of challenges which you don't require at the beginning stage of programming. But if you succeed through these challenges then your programming skills will get toughre and better. This is the absolute best way of learning Java.

6. Java for Beginners:

You may like video content for better learning and it's actually a great idea to have a grasp on the essentials of any programming language including Java. It's a free Udemy course which has already 100,000 students enrolled into it. Led by software engineer John Purcell you get 20 hours of content including total 70 lectures. There is also an in-built support system for asking questions.

7. CodingBat:

The design may have a different impression on you from what actually it is. CodingBat (previously known as JavaBat) is one of the best ways to learn Java for free within your own browser in an interactive mode. This site offers interactive education but there are certain things which you might experience with CodingBat. CodingBat is like you can do whatever you know and pick from what you think you're capable of. There are plenty of tutorials given for each section and you can learn them quickly.

8. Beginners' Tutorials:

The New Boston has a great collection of introductory videos for a lot of programming languages including that of Java. 80 step-by-steo videos could be found here which teach Java thoroughly. It's an increadibly useful resource for anyone who wants to learn Java from the basics with utmost determination. The comments will provide deep insight into the language.

9. Object-Oriented programming with Java:

This is a University course which will be completed within 6 weeks. It's targeted for beginners and everything can be done within your browser. It has the best tutorials on how to install Java and other necessary tools. You will learn all the basics of computer programming, algorithms and object oriented programming using this language.

The second part of this course is another 6 weeks of programming. It means you will learn Java within 12-13 days and when you are done you will be able to build your own apps and will start thinking like a Java programmer.

10. Java Programming Exercises:

This is another website which provides programming exercises designed for Java which contains answers to all the puzzles. It's important to practice otherwise Java is not easy to master. There are thirty exercises and never give up if you are not able to do.

We hope the resources, books and websites will help you a lot to become a Java developer or just build own apps as a hobby. Happy Java time!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

10 Places To Get Training On Ethical Hacking!

So you love hacking and want to fight against the bad folks of the field? It's time to get trained and certified in Ethical hacking to gear up and win the battle! Here we bring to you 10 online places where you can get training on various aspects of Ethical Hacking. While some of these institutions provide you certifications, others prepare you for some popular certifications. And if battling is not a good enough reason for you, then the fact that companies are actively looking for ethical hacking professionals may be!

Hacker, ethical hacking, hacking, training on ethical hacking, certification on ethical hacking, get trained on ethical hacking, ethical hacking cources, white hat hacking, black hat hacking

1. Forward Discovery:

Learn computer forensics, incident response and digital investigation from those who were on the front lines. Forward claims to have instructors who have taught at the military, federal, state, local, and corporate levels. Few things that you can learn on Forward includes information protection and risk mitigation, digital investigations and computer forensics, data incident response, electronic discovery and vulnerability assessment.

2. 7SAFE

7Safe provides post graduate level and 11 certificate cources on different aspects of ethical hacking. The Postgraduate Qualifications includes: MSc Professional Practice in Digital Forensics and Security, Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Security and Forensics, MSc Computer Security and Forensics. The certification courses includes: CSTA Ethical Hacking Training, CSTP Ethical Web Application Hacking Training, CAST Application Security Training, CWSA Wireless Security Training, CFIP Forensic Investigation Training, CMI Malware Investigation Training, CSIS Incident Response Training, CMFS Mac Forensics Training, PCI DSS Implementation, CIIP Implementing ISO 27001, and Incident Response & Computer Forensics Awareness Training. The courses offered are authored and delivered by the expert practicing consultants of 7Safe.

3.Hacker Academy

The Hacker Academy provides training courses in infosec from the hacker’s perspective. The Hacker Academy not only provides the necessary skills to the students but also polishes them by providing required knowledge to practice, implement, and deploy what they have learned. It works on Learn-Practise-Use module where whatever you learn is practiced immediately.

It provides courses on Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Digital Forensics and Reverse Engineering. You can even go for a free trial.

4. InfoSec Institute

The infosec institute have been training Information Security and IT Professionals since 1998 with a diverse lineup of relevant training courses. The institute have trained over 18,000 professionals by now. The institute offers a vast range of certifications courses a few popular ones out of which are: Advanced Ethical Hacking & Advanced Persistent Threat, Reverse Engineering, SCADA Security, Advanced Computer Forensics, Web Application Penetration Testing, Penetration Testing, Mobile Device Penetration Testing, Advanced Reverse Engineering Malware, Reverse Engineering Android, Expert Penetration Testing etc.

5. International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants

The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants is already a known name amongst IT security professionals seeking certifications. The ECC council provides many popular certifications including: Certified Ethical Hacker, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator – CHFI, Certified Chief Information Security Officer – CCISO, Licensed Penetration Tester – LPT, EC-Council Certified Security Analyst – ECSA, EC-Council Network Security Administrator – ENSA, EC-Council Certified Incident Handler – ECIH, EC-Council Disaster Recovery Professional – EDRP, Certified Secure Computer User – CSCU, Certified Network Defense Architect – CNDA, EC-Council Certified Security Specialist – ECSS, EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer – ECSP, EC-Council Certified VoIP Professional.

6. Logical Security

The Logical Security provides comprehensive and varied educational solutions while offering private, on-site classes for organizations. They also provide Self-Study Solution Packages, Computer Based Training, On-Line Training, and customized training tailored for your needs. Logical security is the place to get video and online tutorials for various security certificates like CEH, Security+, SSCP and CISSP.

7. Mile2

The developer and provider of proprietary vendor neutral professional certifications for the cyber security industry, Mile2 administers its certification exams through the MACS (Mile2 Assessment and Certification System) system. It provides Information Assurance services meeting the military, government, private sector and institutional standards and specifications. The certification courses are programmed to teach the fundamental and advance principles of cyber security and follows a course/certification track that leads to advanced hands on skills training for penetration testing, Disaster Recovery, Incident handling and Network Forensics.

8. PaulDotCom

PaulDotCom Enterprises is an organisation dedicated to security, hacking, and education. It encompasses weekly podcasts, monthly webcasts, security consulting, and numerous articles, papers, and presentations.

9. SANS Institute

The SANS Institute was established in 1989 as a cooperative research and education organisation. Its programs now reach more than 165,000 security professionals around the world. A range of individuals from auditors and network administrators, to chief information security officers are sharing the lessons they learn and are jointly finding solutions to the challenges they face. SANS training can be taken in a classroom setting from SANS-certified instructors, self-paced over the Internet, or in mentored settings in cities around the world.

What's interesting is SANS runs continuous competitions for security instructors around the world to find the best teachers in each topic.

10. Security University

Security University is one of the popular providers of Qualified Hands-On Cybersecurity Education, Information Assurance Training and Certifications for IT and Security Professionals. The University offers various certification courses including a few like Qualified/ Ethical Hacker Certification, Qualified/ Security Analyst Pen Tester Cert., Qualified/ Penetration Tester License, Qualified/ Forensic Expert Certification, Qualified/ Network Defender Certification.

Other than the above listed places, even TrueSec and Vigilar's Intense School are worth a mention.

Saturday 4 October 2014

100 Free Online Courses On Computer Science

Learning Computer Science has never been easier than it is today. Well, you will have to work hard, but you can find courses more easily. Here are 100 courses on Computer Science from the best universities across the globe. And, did we mention, they all are free! Have a dekko:

Advanced Data Structures - Free Online VideoFree Course Info & Video - Erik Demaine, MIT
Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation - Free Online Video , Free iTunes VideoJohn Kubiatowicz, UC Berkeley
Android Development - Free iTunes Video -David Fisher, UC Berkeley
Artificial Intelligence – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video & Course Info – Patrick Winston, MIT
Artificial Intelligence - Free Online Video - Free iTunes Video - Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley
Artificial Intelligence - Introduction to Robotics - Free Online VideoFree iTunes VideoFree Course in Multiple formats – Oussama Khatib, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Natural Language Processing - Free Course in Multiple formats - Christopher Manning, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Andrew Ng, Stanford
Artificial Intelligence - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - P.Dasgupta, IIT
Basic Concepts of Operating Systems & System Programming - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - Anthony Stoica, Anthony Joseph, UC Berkeley
Bits: The Computer Science of Digital Information - Free Course in Multiple Formats - Harry Lewis, Harvard
Blender 3D Design - Free iTunes iOS Course , Course Info - Neal Hirsig, Tufts
Building Dynamic Web Sites - Free iTunes Video & Audio , Free Course Video & Audio - David Malan, Harvard Extension
Building Mobile Applications - Free iTunes Audio , Free Course Info & Video - David Malan, Harvard Extension
Codecademy - Web Site
Coding Together: Apps for iPhone and iPad (2012) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Coding Together: Apps for iPhone and iPad (2013) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Computational Camera and Photography - Free Online Audio , Course Info - Ramesh Raskar, MIT
Computational Discrete Mathematics - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Computer Architecture - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Anshul Kumar, IIT Delhi
Computer Graphics - Free Online Video - Free Video Download - Sukhendu Das, IIT
Computer Language Engineering - Free Course Materials & Video - Martin Rinard, MIT
Computer Networks - Free Online Video , Free Video DownloadS.Ghosh, IIT
Computer Systems - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Computer System Engineering - Free Course Materials & Video - Robert Morris & Samuel Madden, MIT
CS50, Harvard's Introductory Computer Science Course - Free Online Video , Free Course Materials & Video , Free iTunes iOS Course - David Malan, Harvard
CS50, Harvard’s Introductory Computer Science Course (2013 Update) - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Course Information (Background) - David Malan, Harvard
Database Systems Design - Free iTunes Video - Rob Meredith, Monash University
Data Structures - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley
Data Structures and Algorithms - Free Online Video - Richard Buckland, University of New South Wales
Data Structures - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Design in Computing - Free Online Video - Richard Buckland, University of New South Wales
Developing Apps for iOS 5 (iPhone & iPad) - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad - Free iTunes Video - Paul Hegarty, Stanford
Developing iPad Applications for Visualization and Insight - Free iTunes Video - Niki Kittur, Carnegie Mellon
Discrete Mathematical Structures - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Kamala Krithivasan, IIT
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory - Free Online Video , Free Online Video 2 - Umesh Vazirani, UC Berkeley
Discrete Stochastic Processes -  Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course Materials & Video - Robert Gallagher, MIT
Discrete Structures - Free iTunes Video - Sergio Dibiasi, Rutgers
Discrete Structures - Free iTunes Video - Stan Warford, Pepperdine
Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Free Online Video 2 - Christos Papadimitriou & Satish Rao, UC Berkeley
Foundations of Computer Graphics - Free Online Video - Ravi Ramamoorthi, UC Berkeley
Great Insights in Computing - Free iTunes Audio & Video - Rutgers
Higher Computing - Free Online Video - Richard Buckland, University of New South Wales
Human-Computer Interaction Seminar - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - Multiple Staff, Stanford
Innovative Computing - Free Online Video - Multiple Profs, Harvard
Intensive Introduction to Computer Science Using C, PHP, and JavaScript - Multiple Formats - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video - David Malan, Harvard
Introduction to Algorithms - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Free Course Materials & Video - Prof. Charles Leiserson & Erik Demaine, MIT
Introduction to Computer Graphics & GPU Programming - Free iTunes Video - Eric Chan & Hanspeter Pfister, Harvard
Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers - Free iTunes Audio , Free iTunes Video - Roberto Horowitz, UC Berkeley
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Courses Materials & Video - Eric Grimson, John Guttag, MIT
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Methodology - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Mehran Sahami, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Abstractions - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Julie Zelenski, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Paradigms - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Course in Multiple formats - Jerry Cain, Stanford
Introduction to Computer Architecture (2013) - Free Online Video , Course Info - Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon
Introduction to Computer Architecture (2012) - Free Online Video , Course Info - Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon
Introduction to Computer Graphics - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Prem Kalra, IIT
Introduction to Computing for Non-Majors - Free iTunes Video - JT Chirco, Rutgers
Introduction to Computing - Free iTunes Video - JT Chirco, Rutgers
Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Courses Materials & Video - Multiple Professors, MIT
Introduction to Embedded Systems - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Professors Sanjit Seshia, Edward A. Lee, UC Berkeley
Introduction to Formal Systems & Computation - Free iTunes Video - Multiple profs, Harvard
Introduction to Information Studies - Free iTunes Audio - Robert Frost, University of Michigan
Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming - Free Online Video , Free Video Download - Deepak Gupta, IIT
iPhone Application Development in iOS5 (Fall 2011) - Free iTunes HD Video , Free iTunes Standard-Def Video
iPhone Application Development (Spring 2009) - Free iTunes Video - Stanford
iPhone Application Development (Winter 2010) - Free iTunes Video - Stanford
Linux Implementation/Administration Practicum - Free iTunes Video - Tulio Llosa, U of Illinois, Springfield
Logic & Proofs - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Machine Structures - Free iTunes Video - David Culler, UC Berkeley
Machine Learning - Free iTunes Video - Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, CalTech
Massively Parallel Computing - Free iTunes Video - Harvard
Mathematics for Computer Science - Free Online Course Materials & Video - Tom Leighton, MIT
Media Programming - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Methods of Mathematics - Free Online Video - Free iTunes Video - Per-Olof Persson, UC Berkeley
Mobile Software Engineering - Free Video + Courses Info - David Malan, Harvard
Multicore Programming Primer - Free iTunes Video - Free Online Video & Course Materials - Saman Amarasinghe, MIT
Online Graphics - Free Online Video - Ravi Ramamoorthi, UC Berkeley
Operating Systems and System Programming - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video , Multiple professors, UC Berkeley
Performance Engineering of Software Systems - Free Online Video , Free Video & Course Info - Multiple Professors, MIT
Principles of Computing - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Principles of Digital Communications I - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video & Course Info - Profs Gallagher and Zheng, MIT
Principles of Digital Communications II - Free Online Video , Free Online Video & Course Info - MIT
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability - Free Online Video , Free Video & Course Info - John Tsitsiklis, MIT
Programming Languages and Compilers - Free Online Video - Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley
Programming Languages and Compilers - Free Online Video - Web - Ras Bodik, UC Berkeley
Programming for Designers - Free Online Video - UNSW
Python - Free Online Video - Nick Parlante, Google
Quantum Computing for the Determined - Free Online Video - Michael Nielsen, The University of Queensland
Responsible Computing - Free Web Course - Carnegie Mellon
Search Engines: Technology, Society and Business - Free Online Video - Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley
Software as a Service - Free Online Video - Armando Fox and David Patterson, UC Berkeley
Software Engineering - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Audio , Free iTunes Video , Web - Multiple Professors, UC Berkeley
The Beauty and Joy of Computing - Free iTunes Video , Free Online Video - Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley
The Beauty and Joy of Computing - Free Online Video - Web - Dan Garcia, UC Berkeley
The Future of the Internet - Free iTunes Audio - Ramesh Johari, Stanford
The Society of Mind - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Course Info - Marvin Minsky, MIT
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Free Online Video , Free iTunes Video , Web - Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley
Understanding Computers and the Internet - Free iTunes Audio & Video , Free Course Info & Video , David Malan, Harvard University
Visual Navigation for Flying Robots - Free Online Video - Juergen Sturm
XML with Java - Free iTunes Audio , Free Course Info - David Malan, Harvard

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Thursday 2 October 2014

Top 6 Python Scientific Packages

If Python is your thing and you're looking for some motivation when down and out consider these 6 amazing scientific packages that are powered by Python, and you'll be satisfied that you took the right decision when considering the language as your first choice. These scientific packages are a live testament to how useful Python could be as a programming language.

Astropy, Biopython, NetworkX, SciPy, scikit-learn, SymPy, Python


The Astropy Project is a collection of software packages written in the Python programming language and designed for use in astronomy. The software was created as part of an unprecedented, professional community effort to develop a single, free, core package for astronomical utilities due to the increasingly widespread usage of Python by astronomers, and to foster interoperability between various extant Python astronomy packages.


The Biopython Project is an international association of developers of non-commercial Python tools for computational molecular biology, as well as bioinformatics. Biopython is one of a number of Bio projects designed to reduce code duplication.


NetworkX is a Python library for studying graphs and networks. NetworkX is free software released under the BSD-new license. NetworkX is suitable for operation on large real-world graphs: eg, graphs in excess of 10 million nodes and 100 million edges


SciPy is a computing environment and open source ecosystem of software for the Python programming language used by scientists, analysts and engineers doing scientific computing and technical computing.


scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms including support vector machines, logistic regression, naive Bayes, random forests, gradient boosting, k-means and DBSCAN, and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy.


SymPy is a Python library for symbolic computation. It provides computer algebra capabilities either as a standalone application, as a library to other applications, or live on the web as SymPy Live. SymPy is trivial to install and to inspect because is written entirely in Python and because it does not depend on any additional libraries.

10 Must-Know Programming Languages For 2014 (With Tutorials)!

A huge boom is being noticed in the entire tech sector. You may be using a smartphone or a computer al least once every day since past few years. So coding skills' demand is on a high and programming based jobs are also better salaried. Beyond the tech world, understanding at least one programming language also makes an impressive addition to your resume in any profession.

Programming, programming languages,  Java, C Language, C++, C#, SQL, Python,  Objective-C, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript

Financial and enterprise systems require languages like Java and C#. Media and design related webpages require Ruby, PHP, JavaScript and Objective-C. Here is a list of 10 most sought-after programming languages which you should learn:

1. Java:

It is a class-based, object-oriented programming language which was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1990s. This language has a huge demand, mainly for enterprise software, web based content, games, mobile app and the Android OS. Java can work across several software platforms which emans if its written on Mac OS then it can also run on Windows. You can learn Java from Udemy,,Oracle,

2. C Language:

It is a general purpose programming language which was developed in the early '70s. C is the oldest and most used language which leads to other languages like C#, Java, JavaScript and Python. C is mainly used for implementing operating systems and embedded applications. It also provides foundation for other languages too and learning C language is highly recommended. Learn it from Learn-C, Introduction To Programming ,, TITLE,, Learn C The Hard Way

3. C++:

This is an intermediate level language with object oriented programming features and it's designed to enhance the C language. C++ powers software like Forefox, Winamp and Adobe programs. It develops system software, application software, high-performance server, client applications and video games. Learn this language at Udemy,,,,

4. C#:

It's called "C-sharp". C# is a multi-paradigm language which was developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative. It combines principles from C and C++. C# is a general-purpose language used to develop software for Microsoft and Windows platforms. You can learn it from Udemy,, Microsoft Virtual Academy,

5. Objective-C:

This is again a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language and it's used by Apple's operating system. It powers Apple's OS X and iOS, as well as its APIs. It can also be used to create iPhone apps. Learn it from Udemy,, Mac Developer Library, Cocoa Dev Central, Mobile Tuts+

6. PHP:

PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a free, server-side scripting language which is designed for dynamic websites and app development. It can also be directly embedded into an HTML source document rather than an external file, which has made it a popular programming language for web developers. Learn PHP from Udemy, Codecademy,, Treehouse, Zend Developer Zone ,

7. Python:

Python is a high-level, server-side scripting language for websites and mobile apps. Its readability and compact syntax make it easy for beginners. It powers the web apps for Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio through its associated web framework, Django, and is also used by Google, Yahoo! and NASA. Learn Python from Udemy, Codecademy,,,

8. Ruby:

Ruby language is object-oriented scripting language for developing websites and mobile apps. It powers the Ruby on Rails (or Rails) framework, which is used on Scribd, GitHub, Groupon and Shopify. Learn Ruby from Codecademy, Code School,, RubyMonk

9. JavaScript:

It is a client and server-side scripting language developed by Netscape which derives much of its syntax from C. It's across web browsers and is considered essential for developing interactive or animated web functions. It is also used in game development and writing desktop applications. Learn this language from Codecademy,, Code School, Treehouse,

10. SQL:

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose language which is used to manage data in relational database management systems. It is used for the "Query" function, in searching informational databases. SQL can be learnt from,,,

Wednesday 1 October 2014

80+ Cheat Sheets And Infographics For Programmers!

We all would agree that for a programmer, there's nothing more helpful than quick cheat sheets that can provide quick help in the times when you are stuck with small issues. So here we bring 80+ cheat sheets and infographics on programming and 12 programming languages. Have fun!

java, java script, C, C++, C#, python, perl, php, ruby, HTML, Xhtml, cheat sheets, efytimes, infographic, jquery,


1. C# Cheatsheet & Notes
2. Coding Guidelines for C# 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
3. Core C# and .NET Quick Reference
4. C# Basics Reference Sheet


5. C Reference Card (ANSI)
6. Objective-C Cheatsheet & Quick Reference
7. C Cheat Sheet by Jill Crisman


8. C++11 Regex Cheatsheet
9. C++11 Cheatsheet

Action script

10. ActionScript 3.0 Syntax Cheatsheet
11. Flash ActionScript Quick Reference


12. PHP Cheatsheet
13. PHP Cheat Sheet
14. BlueShoes: PHP Cheat Sheet
15. PHP Cheat Sheets
16. PHP Cheat Sheet


17. Python 2.6 Quick Reference
18. Python Cheat Sheets
19. Python 101 cheat sheet
20. Python Quick Reference Pytho
21. Python 2.6 Cheatsheet
22. Python Cheat Sheet


23. Ruby Cheatsheet
24. Ruby QuickRef
25. Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet - PNG
26. Ruby quick reference
27. Ruby Cheatsheet
28. Threadeds Ruby Cheat Sheet
29. Ruby on Rails - ActiveRecord Relationships Cheat Sheet
30. Ruby on Rails - Form Helpers Cheat Sheet
31. Ruby on Rails - What Goes Where? Cheat Sheet
32. Ruby Cheat Sheets
33. Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets
34. Ruby Cheat Sheet
35. Ruby Cheat Sheet
36. Ruby On Rails – A Cheatsheet Ruby On Rails Commands URL Mapping
37. Ruby Cheat Sheet Variables Conditional tests (if) Function calls
38. Ruby And Ruby On Rails Cheat Sheets


39. JavaScript Cheatsheet
40. Node.JS Help Sheet


41. Java Cheatsheet
42. Java Syntax Cheatsheet
43. Java Reference Sheet
44. Pete Freitag's Java Cheat Sheet
45. Java Cheat Sheet : Java Glossary
46. Java Programming Cheatsheet
47. Erich's Java cheat sheet for C++ programmers
48. JavaDoc Cheat Sheet


49. jQuery Cheatsheet
50. jQuery 1.2 Cheatsheet
51. jQuery Cheat Sheet - Nettuts+
52. jQuery Cheatsheet Color Charge
53. jQuery cheat sheets.
54. j Q u e r y
55. jQuery Cheat Sheet
56. jQuery Cheat Sheet


57. Perl Cheat Sheet
58. Perl Quick Reference Card in pdf format
59. Perl cheat sheet
60. The Perl Cheat sheet
61. Perl Cheat Sheet
62. Perl Pack Unpack Printf Sprintf Cheat Sheet
63. 301 Redirect Cheatsheet - mod_rewrite, javascript, cfm, perl, php
64. PERL Cheat Sheet (PDF) [Archive] -
65. PERL Cheat Sheet (PDF)


66. Html And Xhtml Cheat Sheets
67. CDBurnerXP - HTML Cheat Sheet in PDF format
68. HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference
69. XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.03
70. HTML DOM - Quick Reference Card
71. XHTML 1.0 frameset - Quick Reference Card
72. XHTML 1.0 strict - Quick Reference Card
73. XHTML 1.0 transitional - Quick Reference Card
74. XHTML Basic Reference
75. XHTML Reference
76. XHTML Cheat Sheet : at CSSTidy


77. The History of Programming Languages Infographic
78. The New Industrial Revolution Favors Developers
79. A Brief History of Open-Source Code
80. Top 10 Programming Languages
81. The Evolution of Programming
82. The Developers Toolkit
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