Tuesday, 30 September 2014

11 Raspberry Pi Projects That You Wouldn't Want To Miss For The World!

The versatility of Raspberry Pi boards have made them available for a variety of projects. But there are some people who have built devices that are easily more innovative and ahead of the others. So, here are 11 of such crazy projects using Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi, RSP, RP, best Raspberry Pi projects, top Raspberry Pi projects, crazy Raspberry Pi projects

1. Airplay Reciever

This is a cheaper option for using Apple's Airplay feature to stream music onto a stereo or similar device. While Apple's own products are quite expensive, a $35 Raspberry Pi board can help you avoid the cost but get the samwe result.

2. Pandora Streamer

The overview on this project's website says, "Using a Raspberry Pi you can create a pretty cool stand alone Pandora Streamer. Its a pretty easy project to put together and will only take an evening. Even though this project is basic from a Electrical Engineering standpoint you will learn the basics of GPIO, Python, BASH and basic Circuts. The best part is you can totally use this project on a daily basis. This version also will allow you to use the device as a Airplay reciever when you are not using Pandora."

3. Robot to read audiobooks etc. out loud

This is an audiobooks player that has but one button. It is the easiest thing to use and can be used on a daily basis. It is especially suited to those who can't or don't like reading. In addition, it can also double up as an mp3 player and can be used to listen to other audio.

4. Solar-powered FTP server

This project uses a very simple $25 Raspberry Pi case with all the required output slots to build an FTP server that runs on solar power.

5. Supercomputer Raspberry Pi

This is a project from the University of Southampton. It is called the Iridis Pi, named after the university's own supercomputer Iridis. It uses a 13 ampere mains socket and a mains passing interface in order to interact between nodes through the ethernet.

6. Beetbox

The description from this projects website is as follows, "The BeetBox is a simple instrument that allows users to play drum beats by touching actual beets. It is powered by a Raspberry Pi with a capacitive touch sensor and an audio amplifier in a handmade wooden enclosure."

7. Beer Can Keyboard

In this project, beer cans replace the keys of a keyboard. The device can be plugged in to any computer and operates like any other keyboard. All you have to do is touch the cans, like you would do the keys on regular keyboards.

8. FishPi

This is a somewhat better known project. As mentioned on the website, this is a "Marine Unmanned Surface Vessel, which will ultimately be able to cross the Atlantic unaided, and take scientific measurements while doing so."

9. The Facebook enabled frying pan

This project uses a Raspberry PI board, a WI-PI connector and a 16X2 alphanumeric LCD placed inside a frying pan in order to give it connectivity to Facebook. It takes social networking to a whole new level.

10. Miniature Arcade Machine

Remember those old school arcade machines that we loved playing with? Well, this is a miniature version of that, powered by the Raspberri Pi board.

11. Sky Pi

This project aims to drop a paper plane over the North Sea. While the plane was expected to land in Holland, the main payload was expected to continue on further by itself. It wasn't quite successful, but the prospects for this one are high.

Top 10 Free PCB Design Software That You Can Use!

Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are used in almost all kinds of electronic equipment nowadays. Various software are used in order to design these boards before they are put out for production. These software are compatible with various platforms and have different levels of functionality.

GNU, General Public License, gEDA, FreePCB, best PCB design software, top PCB design software, Eagle, PCB design tools, learn PCB design, Windows, Linux, Mac, Apple,

1. ZenitPCB

This is a flexible and easy to use CAD program that can be used for designing Printed Circuit Boards (PCB).

2. FreePCB

This is a free and open source PCB editor that runs on Windows and was released under the GNU General Public License.

3. TinyCAD

This program comes with a symbol library of its own and can be usd in order to draw circuit diagrams.

4. Osmond PCB

This is a printer circuit board designing tool that works on Apple's Mac platforms.

5. BSch3V

This program has basic functions only and is a schematic capture program for Windows.

6. ExpressPCB

This is an easy to to learn and use PCB designing software that is quite useful for first time users.

7. Kicad

This program can be used for the creation of printer circuit boards and electronic schematic diagrams.

8. gEDA

This is a quite popular software that works on Linux. It has been used fr electrical circuit design, prototyping, simulation, schematic capture and production.

9. Fritzing

This software allows the user to produce electronic circuits, while also teaching them more about them.

10. DesignSpark PCB

This software has been designed to reduce the design to production time. It is one of the most popular electronics design software.

14 Video Resources That Can Make You A Master Of Python Programming!

Videos are often better sources for learning than texts or classrooms. When it comes to programming in Python, their are many who prefer this mode than reading an ebook or tutorial. That said, here are 14 resources that can help!

Python, best Python tutorials, top Python tutorials, learn Python, video tutorials on Python, Python video tutorials, Python tips, learning Python, best Python tips

Video Tutorials

1. Python Django tutorial

This tutorial will teach you to package URL with apps and add them to your project, while passing values to the URLs as well.

2. Google Python Class

This is a class on Python from the Google Python Class. It is a basic tutorial that introduces you to the subject.

3. Python 2.7 Tutorial

Databases are often created using PYthon's SQLite module. This video teaches you how to do so.

4. Python for Programmers

This is a project-based tutorial on Python that covers data structures, debugging and other topics.

5. Learning Python

This tutorial shows you how to use Python for scientific programming and synchrotron beamline.

Websites With Python Video Tutorials

1. Google Python Class

These are free video lectures on Python that are meant for developers.

2. Python for Beginner

These tutorial videos teach you the basics of looping, file handling, lists, string functions, debugging, classes etc.

3. ShowMeDo

This website has a pretty big collection of videos on Python that you can use to learn from.

4. Learners TV

Here you will find over 40 videos on programming in Python that will teach you various aspects of the language.

5. Learning Python Programming

This is a blog that contains a number of video tutorials on Python.

Game Programming

1. Programming physics games with Python and OpenGL

This tutorial teaches you to use Python and OpenGL in order to write your own games.

2. Collision detection and resolution

This is a tutorial that can teach you about vectors and how to use them.

3. Game Programming Tutorial

This is a video tutorial on game programming in Python that will give you some beginner code and tell you about the various tools needed for game programming.

4. Program Your Own Game With Python

This is a guided walkthrough on how to use Python 3.3.0 to write a very simple game.

Here Are 10 Free Online Computer Programming Courses

To keep abreast with new and updated programming methods, every programmer needs to take assistance of online courses from time to time. We bring some selected ones for you...

programming, computer programming, online courses, free online courses, Computer Science for Everyone, Google's Python Class, Introduction to Programming Using Java, Sixth Edition, Introduction to Computer Programming, Principles of Programming Languages

1. Computer Science for Everyone

Start Learning How to Write Programs

Computer Science for Everyone (formerly called "Higher Computing for Everyone") is a website designed to teach people how to write computer software. This website is designed for the beginner on up, and intends to provide easy to understand programming lessons and tutorials. This website starts with the "C" programming language, and expands from there.

2. Google Developers

Google's Python Class

Offers information through text and lecture videos. Exercises are available for students at the end of each chapter. Topics include strings, lists, dicts, files, utilities, lists, sorting and regular expressions.

3. Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Introduction to Programming Using Java, Sixth Edition

This book is directed mainly towards beginning programmers, although it might also be useful for experienced programmers who want to learn something about Java. It is certainly not meant to provide complete coverage of the Java language.

4. Informit.com

Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours

This book is aimed at non-programmers, new programmers who hated learning the subject, and experienced programmers who want to quickly get up to speed with Java. It uses Java 2 version 1.4.

5. Landofcode.com

Introduction to Computer Programming

This section contains tutorials on a variety of computer programming topics including what computer programming is, computer programming concepts, the different types of languages, what you need to write programs, and more.

6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. The class will use the Python programming language.

7. National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

Principles of Programming Languages

Lecture Series on Programming Languages by Dr S Arun Kumar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,IIT Delhi.

8. Programming Video Tutorials

C++ Tutorial

Consists of 35 chapters that cover topics in arrays, pointers, operators, constructors, variables, namespaces and constants.

9. University of Southern Queensland

Object-Oriented Programming in C++

This course extends the student's basic procedural design and programming knowledge into the object oriented paradigm. The student will be expected to learn and apply the basic concepts of object oriented design and programming, i.e. abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism, in the context of the C++ language. Key software engineering principles such as decomposition and component re-use shall also be emphasised.

12 Super Useful Tutorials To Learn Various Electronics Concepts

Electronics tutorials aren't rare on the internet. But it can be difficult to find out the ones that you can trust and can be really useful to you. We aren't trying to say that these tutorials will fulfil all your needs, but you will find them useful!

electronics, electronics tutorials, top electronics tutorials, best electronics tutorials, learn electronics, tutorials on electronics, basic electronics

1. AC Electronics

Here you will find some of the best available tutorials on AC electronics.

2. History of Transistor

Here you will learn about the events that led to the development of the first transistor.

3. Circuit Fantasia (by Cyril Mechkov)

This is an approach to learning Electronics, where different circuits are presented along with their applications and how they work.

4. Electricity and Magnetism Interactive Java Tutorials (by Michael W. Davidson and FSU)

As the name suggest, here you will find Java Applets on Capacitance, Magnetic Fields, Atomic Orbitals, Electromagnetic Induction, Hard Drive Operation, AC and DC Generators and many other topics related to electronics.

5. Electricity and Magnetism (by C. R. Nave, Georgia State University)

This tutorial deals with electric circuits, applications, electric charge, circuit elements, Lorentz Force Law etc.

6. The Learning Pit

Here you will find information on PLCs and Software Simulators along with resources for learning electric circuits and other topics.

7. Electronics Howstuffworks (by Howstuffworks)

This is an explanation on how various electronic devices, like LEDs, Radio, Radar Detectors, DSL, HDTV, Home Networking, Electromagnets etc. work.

8. Electronics Teacher

Here you will find a tutorial on robotics and the 8051 Microcontroller along with examples.

9. Electronics Tutorials (by Ian Purdie)

This is a tutorial on amp design, amateur radio, basic tools, datasheets, basic electronics, filters etc.

10. ePanorama (by Tomi Engdahl)

This tutorial covers topics like basic circuits, analog electronics, component information, electronics design and construction.

11. Elementary Physics II (by the Physics and Astronomy Dept. at MSU)

This tutorial covers Coloumb's law, Electric Field and Potential, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors, RC Circuits, Magnetic Fields and Forces, Magnetic Materials and Induction.

12. Naval Electrical Engineering

Here you will run about Circuit and Protection, AC Transformers and a number of other topics that are related to electronics.

10 Clever Uses For Google Search You May Not Have Known About

Searching on Google is not just about putting in the right keywords, and you definitely don’t need to understand what Hummingbird is all about. Google’s search application is a powerful tool that can do a lot of things. Moreover, you don’t need to be a geek or a computer genius to use these features. They are often as simple as copying and pasting something onto the search bar. Here are 10 tricks that are super easy, but you may have missed them.

Google, Google Search, Google Search tricks, search tricks, best search tips, best search tricks, google search uses, how to search, best google tricks, google tricks

1. Search on specific websites: Did you know you could do this? You can use Google Search to search through specific websites. So, for example, if you don’t like the search tool on our website, you can just open Google and type site:efytimes.com followed by whatever you want to search for. Google will search our website for you.

2. Reverse Image Search: You all know that you can search Google using Images, no not the Image search, you can actually insert an image on the Google Search bar. What many miss is the amount of information that you can find using this. Instead of checking the Google image results, check the normal search results that come. You can find the source of a picture through this. It can also be used for finding things like recipes of certain preparations etc.

3. Autocomplete wildcards: Autocomplete is a very handy feature on Google Search, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Like other advanced search engines, you can put blank in the middle of your search terms, which signifies ‘anything’. Google will show wildcard suggestions for the term that can be put there. So, if you’re searching for ‘how to learn English’, you can remove the word ‘learn’ from the string and Google will give you suggestions about what all can be put there.

4. Search for free downloads: Remember these search tools: inurl, intitle and filetype. If you need to search for a free Android APK, then search using inurl:htm/inurl:html intitle:"index of" apk. This will show you the indexes of all stored apk files.

5. Find alternatives for websites, products etc.: We’ve all searched on Google for comparisons between various websites ad products. But what do you do when you don’t know who the competitor is? It’s simple, if you want to search for a competitor to the iPhone 5S, just write ‘iPhone 5S vs’, and Google will show you suggestions for popularly searched competitors.

6. Google cache: The cached link to different websites on Google is highly useful. It can be used to access a website when it is down or getting around a SOPA blackout. But, you don’t always have to click on the cached link, you can simply write cache: along with the URL for the site and you will have what you need.

7. Google proxy: You can use Google search to bypass security features, paywalls and downloading files by funnelling through websites using Google Translate or Mobilizer. Just like the cached option, you can also access this directly, as long as you have the URL available.

All you have to do is add the URL to the end of the Google URL. For example, http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://example.com/.

8. Google Images to look for people: When a person’s name is the same as that of an object, it often returns conflicting results. To get around this, you can just add the &imgtype=facethe to the end of the search URL. The search will be redone and only those with faces will be returned.

9. Time-based search results: Google Search already provides a filter for getting time-based results, but if you want to be more specific, there is a way to do that too. All you have to do is add &tbs=qdr: to the end of your URL. You have to specify the time too. Here, h5 signifies five hours, while n5 signifies five minutes. For five seconds, write s5. So, if you want to search in the last ten minutes, you will write add&tbs=qdr:n10 to the URL.

10. Advanced operators: The AND or OR operators can be used on Google to search for multiple terms. But you already know that. What you may not know is that you can use the AROUND operator too. This operator provides results that are about halfway to or from the search term(s). So, you can write AROUND(2) for using two search terms, which ensures that the two words that are used are close to each other. The number in the parentheses can differ.

10 Top Android App Development Tutorials For Newbies

Android app development is one of the foremost choices for any programmer nowadays. The number of apps available on Google Play have been increasing each day, which shows the number of developers interested in the platform.

So, here are 10 tutorials for beginners starting with Android app development.

Android, Google, app development, android apps, Android SDK, App Inventor, android platform, android app development, development for android, Eclipse

1. OpenGL ES 2.0: This tutorial will teach you to create a simple Android app using the OpenGL ES 2.0 API.

2. Android Development Tutorial: If you want to use Eclipse to create applications for the Android platform then this is the tutorial that you need.

3. Using Facebook SDK in Android development: This tutorial teaches you how to create an Android application that can login to Facebook and get the user’s Facebook ID.

4. Drawing with Canvas in Android, Saving your drawings: As the name suggests, this is a tutorial on drawin with canvas on Android. It is one out of a series of tutorials on the same topic.

5. Android Google Maps Tutorial: Navigation is a big part of many apps nowadays and this tutorial teaches you how to integrate Google maps into an Android app.

6. Working With Android Contacts: This tutorial teaches you about working with the contacts database for Android. A basic understanding of SQLite is required for this tutorial.

7. How To Create Android Live Wallpaper: Have you seen the Live Wallpapers available on Google Play? This tutorial teaches you how to make them.

8. Building your first Android app: This tutorial teaches you how to build your first Android app. It teaches you the fundamentals of Android app designing like creating a simple user interface.

9. The New Boston: This is a collection of video tutorials on application development for the Android platform. The New Boston is a well known and used resource for programming and development related tutorials.

10. How to build an Android app: In this tutorial you will learn how to go about the two methods of app development for the Android platform. Apps for Android can either be created using the Android SDK or using the Google Labs tool known as App Inventor.

And The Top 8 Android Spy Apps Are...

We live in some difficult times. Snooping is not a taboo subject anymore. However, as some government agencies (NSA anyone?) might contend, not all snooping is bad. We agree to some extent, although we might raise many eyebrows here for sure! Whatever might be the case, it's ideal you're up to date with whatever goes about in this digital age. Today we bring you 8 good Android spy apps!

Android Spy Apps, Mobile Spy, CPU Spy, Ear Spy, Spy Phone Tracker, Spy Camera OS, Monitor Call SMS Location, Mobistealth, Anti-Spy Mobile

1.Mobile Spy

Mobile Spy is the next generation of smartphone spy software. Install this small program directly onto the compatible smartphone you wish to monitor to begin recording. Using the Internet capabilities of the phone, recorded activities, logs and GPS locations are quickly uploaded to your Mobile Spy account. To view the results, simply login to your secure account using any computer or mobile web browser. Logs are displayed by categories and sorted for easy browsing.

2.CPU Spy

This is a simple app to display the time the CPU spends in each frequency state. This can be a useful tool in diagnosing battery problems or tweaking your over-clock settings. It also displays the current kernel information.

3.Ear Spy

Ear Spy is a 'Super Spy' application which gives you super-hearing and the ability to eavesdrop on those around you. With some bluetooth headsets, you can eavesdrop from the next room. Ear Spy amplifies sound coming through your phone microphone straight to your earphones. To fine-tune the incoming signal, use the graphic audio equaliser.

4.Spy Phone Tracker

Keeps records of all incoming and outgoing phone calls which include phone number called or phone number of party calling the smartphone if information is not blocked by caller. It will also keep record of date and time calls were made and length of calls.

5.Spy Camera OS

Everyone at one time will want to capture an image without anyone noticing it, this open source application will give you an easy, fast and smart way doing it.

6.Monitor Call SMS Location

Remotely monitor SMS, Photo, Location, call-logs and much more. View your phone location in TiSPY web portal. Can find location even when GPS is disabled in device from you cellular information.


Parental control app that can monitor text messages, call details and pictures. It can remotely view appointments, videos, web history and contacts.

8.Anti-Spy Mobile

Nowadays, anyone who has access to your cell phone can easily install a spyware software and monitor your calls, SMS messages, and even your location. Anti Spy Mobile is a free antispyware scanner that detects and removes spyware applications on your cell phone.

9 Useful Android Apps For Electronics Engineers!

Google's popular Android platform has been known to have something for everyone. Why should electronics engineers lag behind then? Here are the nine apps that Android has to offer to electronics engineers.

electronics apps, Android, Google, ASCII, best Android apps, best electronics apps on Android, iOS, Android, electronics android

1. ASCII Chars

This is an Android app that can be used for reference by electronics engineers. It contains the first 127 ASCII character along with their hex and decimal values.

2. AsciiTable

This app is similar to the one mentioned above, but contains an extended ASCII of charset.

3. Digikey

This application, which runs on Android and other platforms, can serve as a passkey for an inventory of in-stock electronic components. It is amongst the largest such inventories of its kind in the world.

4. ElectroDroid

This is a powerful collection of reference material and tools on electronics. The app is quite simple to use.

5. ELcalcV

This app can be used to calculate the voltage drop in cables. The professional version of the app has some added advantages.

6. Magnify

Want to use your Android-based smartphone as a magnifying glass? This app allows you to do just that. It converts your phone into a magnifying glass with a flashlight built into it.

7. NXP

This app works on both Android and iOS platforms and serves as a replacement for the NXP website. NXP is one of the leading sellers of semiconductors all over the world.
For NXP website - sometimes faster than going through a browser

8. NXP RF Calc

This app is useful for RF engineers. It allows them to conduct a number of common RF related calculations without having to remember complex formulae.

9. NXP NFC Tagwriter

This app is useful for reading and writing various kinds of NFC tags.

7 Websites That Offer Free Online Linux Courses

Free online Linux courses that are either affiliated or not, generally offer self-study material and do not provide academic credits. Some of the material that we bring to you today is offered through schools' OpenCourseWare (OCW) projects and can be found in PDF, video and screenshots formats.

Though content is usually directed towards first time users of Linux systems, the IBM and the University of California at Davis' offerings cater to intermediate users. Students may need to have access to their own computers running Linux in order to complete some lessons.

Linux, open source, linux course, linux free course, linux online course, learn linux online, free linux courses, free online courses

1. Building Dynamic Websites at Harvard University

This online OCW course covers the knowledge needed to build a website. Consisting of various video lectures, this tutorial instructs individuals on how to build a website using Linux, as well as various other frameworks. Students learn how to set up domains, design databases, program with Java and build web pages using CSS (cascading style sheets) and XHTML (extensible hypertext markup language). There are sample projects in PDF format.

3. Computational Physics at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The focus of this course is to teach students how to do physics calculations using a computer as a calculator. They also learn Java programming in a Linux environment. Through external website links, this online course teaches students about using algorithms and working within the Linux operating system.

4. The Embedded Linux Quick Start Guide through YouTube

The free tutorial, which lasts less than an hour, provides learners with an introduction to the Linux environment. Narrated by Chris Simmonds at a 2010 Embedded Linux Conference Europe, this video is the first in a 3-part series on Linux. Students learn the four basic elements of Linux: toolchain, boot loader, kernel and user space.

5.Introduction to Linux at the University of South Carolina

A simple introductory tutorial of slides in PDF format, this course material shares basic information about what Linux is, the different versions - or distributions - available, and how to use it. Files, folders, pages, commands and writing script are some of the topics and tools this course covers.

6. The Linux Effect: 20th Anniversary at The Open University

Offered as an online podcast training, the Linux Effect offers information on the Linux operating system and how it's advanced through the years. Students learn the origin of Linux, how Linux is used in our daily lives and the connection between Linux and cloud computing. Students need a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader, to complete this course.

7. LPI Exam 201 Prep: Linux Kernel at IBM

In this free tutorial series, users prepare for the Linux Professional Institute Intermediate Level Administration (LPIC-2) Exam 201. The first tutorial guides students through the components, compiling, patching and customizing of a Linux kernel. Other topics in the series include system maintenance, web services, hardware and troubleshooting.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

15 IT Courses That Will Make You An Industry Hero

IT courses are a dime a dozen spread across the world. Despite the increasing number, there is no denying that these courses give a boost to one's career. There are many courses that might catapult its taker to the top of the IT world. EFYTimes takes a look at 15 such courses:

IT, IT Courses, IT Talent, IT Engineers, Microsoft, Cisco, IT certifications,

1. PMP: Project Management Professional

This is a course whose credentials are recognised as one of the most important
certification for project managers. The course has an acknowledgement from the fraternity globally. It is in heavy demand globally. The course is meant for experienced project management professionals. The testing is rigorous.

2. CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional

The CIISP credential is meant primarily for security managers and professionals who work towards he development of policies and procedures in information security. This course has become the global standard in information security certifications. The course was the
first in information security, accredited by the ANSI (American
National Standards Institute) to ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) Standard 17024:2003.

3. MCSD: Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer

THE MCSD is a new new Microsoft developer certification programme. This has replaced the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certification. The new course validated the ability of the candidate to design and build application solutions, which may well span multiple versions of a single technology or integrate multiple technologies.

4. MCDBA: Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

The course is meant for employees of MNCs that are looking for quick and reliable systems that would help process and retrieve information, throught operations of their own database servers and business intelligence software. The course is an MCDBA and an individual that is MCDBA certified can design, implement, and manage SQL Server 2000 databases. The certification was retired on 30 September, 2012, though if you achieved it before that date it will still appear on your transcript as a legacy certification.

5. CCDA®: Cisco Certified Design Associate

This course indicates that the taker of the course posses a strong foundation and apprentice knowledge of network design for Cisco converged networks. The course is meant for network design engineers, technicians, and support engineers, who enable efficient network

6. MCAD: Microsoft Certified Application Developer

This course gives its taker an industry recognition for professional developers that are involved in building powerful applications using Microsoft Visual Studio.

7. VCP-DV: VMware Certified Professional Datacenter Virtualisation

Virtualisation is one of the most important trends in modern technology. This course, provided by VMware, one of the world’s leading vendors of virtualisation products is the first step that an individual could take in gaining industry-recognized expertise in
virtual infrastructure.

8. CNE: Certified Novell Engineer

The CNE course is meant for those individuals who have the expertise and knowledge to solve advanced company-wide support problems and high-level network problems.

9. ITIL v3 Foundation

This course is more of a foundation building course meant that provides quality IT Service Management. The good thing about the course is that it uses documented and proven processes that covering the entire Service Lifecycle.

10. CCA: Citrix Certified Administrator - Citrix XenServer 6

Another entry level certification course, this validates the skills a candidate might have with one of 11 specific Citrix products, the most popular being XenApp, XenDesktop, and XenServer.

11. MCITP: Database Administrator

This is a validation course that aims at building the IT professional’s capability in the deployment, designing, optimizing, and operating technologies for a particular job role. MCITP certifications builds on the technical proficiency measured in the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certifications.

12. MCTS: SQL Server 2005

Those that have taken this course are usually IT professionals who might want to pursue careers as database administrators, database developers, or business intelligence developers. The course gives its taker a validation that the IT professional can implement and maintain databases by using specific instructions and specifications.

13. MCT: Microsoft Certified Trainer

Those that have taken this course are considered to be premier technical and instructional experts on Microsoft technologies. The benefits of the course include substantial discounts on exams, books, and Microsoft products; members-only newsgroups and online community resources; and invitations to exclusive events and programs.

14. CCNP®: Cisco Certified Network Professional

The course offers two tracks at the Associate and Professional levels - Designing and Networking. It is demonstrative of the fact that the taker has the ability to plan, implement, verify, and troubleshoot local and wide-area enterprise networks.

15. CCA: Citrix Certified Administrator - Citrix XenDesktop 5

The Citrix CCA is an entry-level certification. Earning this certification validates the candidate's skills with one of 11 specific Citrix products, the most popular being XenApp, XenDesktop, and XenServer.

12 Of The Best Firefox Security Add-Ons!

Mozilla's Firefox is crisp and easy to operate making it by far one of the most preferred of web browsers. The fact that it supports a plethora of add-ons makes it an added choice for web users around the world. Security is a mejor concern while browsing. Not to worry, there are a number of excellent add-ons that will make your browsing experience safer.

Firefox Security Add-Ons, Beef TACO, SpamAvert.com, BugMeNot, NoScript, BetterPrivacy, LastPass, AdBlock Plus, BrowserProtect, QuickJava, Close’n forget, Ghostery

1. Beef TACO

A Firefox add-on to opt-out of ad networks. Sets permanent opt-out cookies to stop behavioral advertising for 100+ different advertising networks: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft to name a few.


Allows you to right-click any text field on any website, and paste a free, one-time e-mail address from Spamavert.com. These disposable addresses comes in handy when registering on websites you don't trust. The extension also opens the Spamavert.com mailbox and waits for new e-mail for the address it generated for you.


Activate the extension by right-clicking on a user name and/or password field of a site that asks for registration. BugMeNot will log in for you automatically using user-submitted passwords. Features: multiple login attempts, failure reporting, and auto-submittal.


It allows JavaScript, Java and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice, e.g. your home-banking web site, guarding your "trust boundaries" against cross-site scripting attacks (XSS), cross-zone DNS rebinding / CSRF attacks (router hacking), and Clickjacking attempts.


Better Privacy serves to protect against special longterm cookies, a new generation of 'Super-Cookie', which silently conquered the Internet. This new cookie generation offers unlimited user tracking to industry and market research.


Only remember one password - your LastPass master password. Save all your usernames and passwords to LastPass, and it will autologin to your sites and sync your data everywhere you need it.

7.AdBlock Plus

The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains.

8.Web of Trust (WOT)

WOT is a website reputation and review service that helps you make informed decisions about whether to trust a website or not when you are searching, shopping or surfing online.


Today's internet landscape include a new threat even from presumably legitimate downloads. Configuration changes (or hijacks) have gone into mainstream habits of software publishers. That's where BrowserProtect comes to rescue. It monitors your browser against homepage and search hijacks.


Easily turn on or off Java, Javascript, Cookies, Animated Images, Flash, Silverlight, Stylesheets, Proxy and Automatic loading of images from the Statusbar and/or the Toolbar without having to open the Options or Plugins dialog.

11.Close’n forget

Close the current tab and forget about the visit : suppress the cookies related to the current page and, if configured, the whole domain from the history.


It’s the web’s largest, most comprehensive and most user-friendly privacy tool. An easy add-on for every major browser and available as an iPad and iPhone app, Ghostery helps people around the world understand and control more than 1,600 trackers that are tracking them when they browse.

15 Very Useful CSS Animation Tools For Developers

Animation is a key element for creating an innovative website. In order to create an animation, there are certain tools that developers can use. These come in handy, especially to those who aren't particularly well versed with CSS. Moreover, they reduce a lot of your work. Here are the top CSS tools that you can use for animation.

CSS, css animations, top css animation tools, css tools, best css animation tools, best css tools, learn CSS

1. Keyframer

This is a handy CSS tool that allows you to create animations in CSS very easily.

2. Spin Kit

SpinKit uses CSS animations to create smooth and easily customizable animations. The goal is not to offer a solution that works in every browser—if you're supporting browsers that haven't implemented the CSS animation property (e.g. IE9 and below), you'll want to detect support for the animation property, and implement a fallback.

3. Wow.js

This is a plugin that allows you to reveal animations when the user scrolls down on the web page.

4. Magic CSS3 Animation

This is a package of animations for CSS3 that can be used freely in your projects.

5. Animo.js

This tool allows you to stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion etc.

6. CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet

The CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet is a set of preset, plug-and-play animations for your web projects. All you need to do is add the stylesheet to your website and apply the premade CSS classes to the elements you want animated.

7. Tridiv

This is a web-based editor that allows you to create 3D shapes in CSS on your internet browser.

8. Sencha Animator

Sencha Animator is a desktop app to create CSS3 animations for WebKit browsers and touchscreen mobile devices. Create rich experiences for today’s most popular devices.

9. Magic

This is a stylesheet that comes with a number of CSS effects.

10. Textillate.js

Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide a ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.

11. Animate.css

This is a collection of cross-browser animations that can be added to your projects.

12. Stylie

This is a graphical CSS animation tool.

13. Anima

With Anima, it's easy to animate over a hundred objects at a time. Each item can have it's mass and viscosity to emulate reallife objects!

14. Ceaser

This is a very simple and easy-to-use animation tool for CSS users.

15. CSS3 Keyframes Animation

This is a web-based tool that allows you to generate CSS animations.

Here Are 5 Free Keyloggers To Record All Your Keystrokes!

Keylogger is basically a surveillance software that has the capability to record every keystroke you make to a log file, usually encrypted. Sophistication may vary from one to another, however, keyloggers are an important part of ethical hacking domain and must be known for security specific reasons.

Keyloggers, Keystrokes, KidLogger, Actual Keylogger, REFOG Free Keylogger, Home Keylogger, BlackBox Express


Kidlogger.net is a new generation of Parental Control, Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking service. Convenient for tracking kids and working time of employees. Whenever your employee or Kid works on a PC, Mac or mobile phone - all the data about their working activity or virtual life will become available in your account.

2.Actual Keylogger

Actual Keylogger allows you to find out what other users do on your computer in your absence. It is designed for the hidden computer monitoring and monitoring of the computer activity.

3.REFOG Free Keylogger

REFOG Free Keylogger is an opportunity for you to be a good parent and keep an eye on your children. And isn't it wonderful that your parental duty will cost you nothing this time.

4.Home Keylogger

Home Keylogger is intended for interception and recording in a file of everything that is entered from the keyboard. The program is able to work in the hidden mode and to emerge on pressing a combination of keys.

5.BlackBox Express

BlackBox Security Monitor is a 100 per cent free keylogger – you can use it without any charge for your personal use. Keeps track of the Web sites, keywords, and text that are entered by each computer user.

10 Steps To Make A Successful Mobile App!

Building apps to make profits out of the Android and iOS markets is a trend today. From Silicon Valley to Bangalore, developers everywhere are looking for opportunities to enter the markets and make the best of their skills. If you have dreams of becoming a developer too, then here's what you need to do!

Developers, Android, iOS, iTunes Store, Google, Play Store, Apple, programmers, app developer, app development

1. Get a Feel for the Market

When creating a mobile application, you need to know the market and how it works. Your market in this case refers to the Google Play Store and Apple iTunes Store. Both of these stores have material showing the top paid apps, top free apps, top grossing apps etc. You would do well to study them and mould your app in a way that would get you money.

2. Align Your Ideas with Successful Apps

This is an arguable point, but while many have benefitted from it, many argue against it as well. Some people go for innovation based on apps that are already succesfull and they have gained accolades and cash for their efforts. But coming up with something entirely new is also a good way to go. Proponents of both these approaches exist.

3. Design Your App's Experience

Lay out a design for your app, either by hand or by using software like Photoshop. Having a visual aid for designing the app is most important, so make sure that you have also placed your designs on paper. You could use other apps as a reference too.

4. Register as a Developer

When you're done laying out the groundwork for your application, you need to register as a developer on the platform that you have chosen to build for. The word developer is often confused with one that has programming knowledge. This is not true, a developer is simply a person who publishes apps on an App Store. Many say that the iOS platform is more profitable than Android. Android though has more users.

5. Find Prospective Programmers

Whether you lack programming skills or not, it is important to hire other programmers to work with you. The more minds that work on a code, better are your chances of building a very good app.

6. Sign NDA, Share Your Idea, Hire Your Programmer

Every programmer that you hire should sign a non-disclosure agreement. It is important to protect your code and ideas and the work that you and your company are doing.

7. Start Coding

Icon: Your programmers need to first create an icon for the app that you're creating.

Hello, World!: This is a simple program that takes a programmer less than 10 minutes to write. This will give you an idea of how efficient and dedicated they are. They should deliver it to you along with the icon.

App Delivery: The first test version of the app is an ad hoc, which gives you an idea of how the app will perform on a smartphone. You make changes to this and eventually reach the final stage.

8. Test Your App

Testing your app is very important, considered by many to be the most important step in app making. You will find bugs, fix glitches and only after thorough testing can you launch your app.

9. Post Your App to the Market

This is the end of your app building cycle from the programmer and coding point of view. It is advisable to allow your programmer(s) to show you how to post the app to the concerned market. This is because they are better versed in the process.

10. Market Your App

Without marketing your app will stand nowhere. This means that your app needs to be seen amongst the millions that there are on the Play Store or iTunes Store. You need to spend on marketing endeavours in order to accomplish this.

30 Resources To Learn About Nanotechnology!

The branch of science that deals with nanomaterials has become quite popular nowadays. With newer and more advanced technologies coming in, nanotechnology is being used with more fervour.

As an engineer, you would do well do gain at least some knowledge of nanotech. Here are some text and video tutorials that will help you learn.

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1. Tutorials on Selected Topics in Nanotechnology (Playlist)

This is a set of seven video lectures that covers various topics in the nanotechnology arena. These include lectures on transport of thermal energy through conduction in nanomaterials etc.

2. Nanotechnology Lectures

These are another 18 videos that will help you understand the basics and various other more advanced concepts of nanotechnology.

3. Lecture on Nanotechnology Richard Freyaman

This is a lecture by the famous American physicist Richard Freyman. Freyman was an award winning physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics back in 1965.

4. There's Plenty of Room At the Bottom'

This is a famous talk given by Freyman at the California Institute of Technology. As mentioned on the attached blog, "This is a transcript of the classic talk that Richard Feynman gave on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). This was first published in the February 1960 issue of Caltech's Engineering and Science, which owns the copyright."

5. Plasmonic Metamaterials

With a wide range of functionalities, metamaterials have been an important part of nanoscience. This book explains this kind of material in detail.

6. The Opensource Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

This is a wikibook that is explained like the website: This wikibook on nanoscience and nanotechnology gathers information about the various tools, methods and systems to provide students, researchers and everyone else an open-source handbook and overview guide to this vast interdisciplinary and expanding field - a book that can be adjusted as new things appear and improved by you!

7. Cutting Edge Nanotechnology

Book description: The main purpose of this book is to describe important issues in various types of devices ranging from conventional transistors (opening chapters of the book) to molecular electronic devices whose fabrication and operation is discussed in the last few chapters of the book. As such, this book can serve as a guide for identifications of important areas of research in micro, nano and molecular electronics. We deeply acknowledge valuable contributions that each of the authors made in writing these excellent chapters.

Are You An IT Pro? Try These 8 Amazing Apps!

ch day to manage the technical aspects of your company. Of course the perks are endless, as such IT pros don't mind working those extra hours to ensure they play crucial role in the growth and betterment of their company. There are lot many apps in the Android market that IT pros could use to make their job simpler. Here are 8 amazing apps.

IT Pro, inSSIDer, Bubble, Daylight Zone, Fing, HP iLO Mobile, Citrix Receiver, Sound Meter,


Finally, a serious tool designed to show you exactly what your Wi-Fi environment looks like, both physically and logically. inSSIDer identifies signal overlap, channel conflicts, and configuration issues that are degrading your wireless network performance.


Hold any of the phone's four sides against an object to test it for plumb/level, or lay it down on a flat surface for a 360° level.

3.Daylight Zone

This app shows world map divided into day and night portions. Digital clock can be put over the map, and most of the settings can be done on touch screen. So this app can make android tablets a table clock.

4.Fing - Network Tools

Find out which devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network, in just a few seconds. Fast and accurate, Fing is a professional App for network analysis. A simple and intuitive interface helps you evaluate security levels, detect intruders and resolve network issues.

5.HP iLO Mobile

The HP iLO Mobile application provides access to the remote console of your HP ProLiant server from your Android device. The mobile app interacts directly with the iLO processor on HP ProLiant servers, providing total control of the server at all times as long as the server is plugged in.

6.Citrix Receiver

Citrix Receiver lets you access your enterprise files, applications, and desktops to help you be as productive on the go as you are in the office. If your company uses Citrix, you have the freedom to work on your favorite device from wherever you are.

7.Sound Meter

Sound Level Meter is in the 4th set of the Smart Tools collection (noise, decibel meter). SPL(sound pressure level) meter app uses your built-in microphone to measure noise volume in decibels(db), and shows a reference.

8.SonicWALL Mobile Connect

SonicWALL Mobile Connect provides users full network-level access to corporate and academic resources over encrypted SSL VPN connections. The client provides anytime, anywhere access to critical applications such as email, virtual desktop sessions and other Android applications.

Here Are 10 Of The Best Open Source E-Learning Applications

Are you looking for a free and open source application to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process? There are a number of good learning management systems out there that provide interesting ways to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. Here are 10 of the really good ones!

E-Learning Applications , Moodle, Dokeos, Ilias, Sakai, ATutor, OLAT, Fedena, eFront, openelms


A free, open source PHP web application for producing modular internet-based courses that support a modern social constructionist pedagogy. Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.


Dokeos is an open source corporate learning suite with four components: AUTHOR to build e-learning content, LMS to handle interaction with learners, SHOP to sell a course catalog, and EVALUATE for assessment and certification.


ILIAS is an open source web-based learning management system (LMS). It supports learning content management (including SCORM 2004 compliance) and tools for collaboration, communication, evaluation and assessment.


Sakai is a community of academic institutions, commercial organisations and individuals who work together to develop a common Collaboration and Learning Environment. Sakai is also a free, community source, educational software platform distributed under the Educational Community License (a type of open source license). Sakai is used for teaching, research and collaboration. The Sakai Project's software is a Java-based, service-oriented application suite that is designed to be scalable, reliable, interoperable and extensible.


ATutor is used in various contexts, including online course management, continuing professional development for teachers, career development, and academic research. The software is cited as unique for its accessibility features, (useful to visually impaired and disabled learners); and for its suitability for educational use according to software evaluation criteria established by The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).


It is a web application that supports any kind of online learning, teaching, and tutoring with few educational restrictions. OLAT is free software and is open source.


.LRN is the world's most widely adopted enterprise-class open source software for supporting e-learning and digital communities. Originally developed at MIT, .LRN is used worldwide by over half a million users in higher education, government, non-profit, and K-12.


Project Fedena is the open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. It was initially developed by a team of developers at Foradian Technologies. The project was made open source by Foradian, and is now maintained by the open source community.


eFront is a modern learning and training platform designed to help create online learning communities with opportunities for rich interaction. It comes with a distinctive icon-based user interface that is intuitive to use. The platform offers a wide range of features from content creation, test builder, project management, extended statistics, many communication tools, payments support, social extensions and more.


Open elms is a collaborative project designed to create an open-source Learning Management System for use in businesses and training organisations.

13 Open Source Software For Mathematics, Computer Algebra and Statistical Analysis

The open source community is a truly powerful community. Software coming from the open source arena cover almost all kinds of applications that one can think of. So, when it comes to things like statistical analysis, mathematics and computer algebra, open source is at the forefront of the pack. Here is what it was to offer.

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Mathematics: These apps include mathematics and computational tools that work on the Linux platform. These are free and open source software that are used for mathematical applications required during programming and other activities.

1. FreeMat

2. K3DSurf

3. Octave

4. Scilab

Computer Algebra systems: These apps allow you to work with algebraic expressions in the same way that you would do by hand. Mathematical and scientific algebraic expressions can be managed using these free and open source apps.

5. Axiom

6. Mathomatic

7. Maxima


9. Sage

Statistical Analysis: These programs are specialised in statistical analysis. Perhaps the most famous amongst these is the R Programming Language, which is used by many for statistical analysis purposes required in science, mathematics etc.

10. PSPP

11. R

12. Gnuplot

13. QtiPlot

12 Amazing Free Data Analysis Software For You

Big data analysis is part of every big tech firm's biggest spendings nowadays. The important of the arena is growing every day, with more and more experts predicting 2014 to be the era of big data analytics. Here are some apps that come in handy for the same.

Big Data, data analysis, best data analysis tools, free data analysis tools, big data tools, big data software

1. Tanagra

TANAGRA is a free data mining software for academic and research purposes. It proposes several data mining methods from exploratory data analysis, statistical learning, machine learning and databases area. (Official Website)


KNIME [naim] is a user-friendly graphical workbench for the entire analysis process: data access, data transformation, initial investigation, powerful predictive analytics, visualisation and reporting. The open integration platform provides over 1000 modules (nodes), including those of the KNIME community and its extensive partner network. (Official Website)

3. R

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. (Official Website)


ELKI is an open source (AGPLv3) data mining software written in Java. The focus of ELKI is research in algorithms, with an emphasis on unsupervised methods in cluster analysis and outlier detection. (Official Website)

5. Rapid Miner

This is a visual environment that contains a number of methods that are used in data mining.

6. Data Applied

Data Applied revolutionizes data-driven decision making by integrating rich analytics, data mining, and information visualization capabilities - all using a zero footprint Web interface, collaboration features, and a secure XML Web API. Deploy to the cloud or to your Intranet today! (Official Website)

7. Waffles

Waffles may be described as "machine learning meets the Unix philosophy." In contrast with other machine learning toolkits... (Sourceforge)

8. Weka

Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes. (Official Website)

9. DevInfo

This is a database system that has been endorsed by the UN Development Group for managing and monitoring human development.

10. PAW

PAW is conceived as an instrument to assist physicists in the analysis and presentation of their data. It provides interactive graphical presentation and statistical or mathematical analysis, working on objects familiar to physicists like histograms, event files (Ntuples), vectors, etc. (Official Website)

11. SCaViS

SCaVis is an environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization designed for scientists, engineers and students. The program incorporates many open-source software packages into a coherent interface using the concept of dynamic scripting. (Official Website)

12. ROOT

The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. (Official Website)
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